Thank You

ORACUL Wishes to Thank the Following

1) Our Kickstarter Campaign Supporters!

In 2019, ORACUL launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to film an educational documentary regarding the antiquity of civilization. Kind and generous people supported that campaign and, by doing so, have given our project a great beginning (please see our homepage for a trailer we put together).

Filming, particularly in foreign countries, is an expensive endeavor. Permissions alone (to film at certain ancient archaeological sites) can be exorbitant, not to mention the many other costs associated with production. Regrettably, this means we will need to conduct additional fundraising in order to complete the documentary.

Here we wish to thank those who have already shown us great generosity. One of the Kickstarter pledge promises was to “carve” the names of the backers into a “digital megalith”; another was to post those names to our website. In fulfillment of both, below is our mason’s best, with the hope that Tuthmoses IV won’t mind the modifications we made to his Dream Stela.



3) Others Who Have Given so Generously Through the Years

It would be difficult for us (and inappropriate, as some people wish to remain anonymous) to individually name every person who has contributed to ORACUL since its inception. We thank everyone for their generosity (monetary and otherwise). The following people, however, have done so much to encourage us in so many ways, we would be remiss to not acknowledge them. Our utmost thanks to:

Nathan Jones and Xlear

Candace Southmayd

Selma Solomon-Carter & Barry Sainsbury-Carter

4) Angels Indeed

Candace Southmayd – we consider to be the “Grand Dame” of ORACUL. She has been with us every step of the way, offering love, encouragement, and unwavering support. As Candace tells us, she fell in love with the original Mummy movies at age 10. As a result, she wanted to know everything possible about Egypt and dreamed of going there. After having written a Master’s Thesis on “Survivors of Atlantis”, The Mystery of the Sphinx aired in 1993. In it she heard Dr. Schoch report that he and his team detected a cavity under the Sphinx’s paw, just where Edgar Cayce had predicted would be found evidence of Atlantis. She had to know more. After two trips to Egypt with Dr. Schoch, and attendance at many conferences (CPAK and Arklantis), Candace became Robert’s biggest fan. At home in Texas, Candace volunteers with The Greater New Braunfels Arts Council, serving three years as President.

Several years ago, two women stepped in to initially help ORACUL construct this website. We are enormously appreciative of the time, care, and lessons they gave us. More recently, Rania Karam, a web professional, has joined ORACUL’s team to oversee the maintenance and appearance of this website. Please see below for a little on Mary and Marin, and please see the Board & Advisors page for more on Rania and ORACUL’s Team.

Mary Boren – began an instant love affair with the World Wide Web in 1994 when it was primarily educational and noncommercial, before the arrival of the carpetbaggers. She maintains a large poetry site and volunteers her knowledge and experience to churches and other nonprofits in expanding their web presence.

Marin Carroll – is a web designer and developer with a passion for working with smaller businesses. She works at Image Conscious Studios located in East Boston. In her free time, she enjoys watching the Bachelor, cooking, and listening to 80’s music. 

5) Our Ancestors

The banner image above is from the underground city of Kaymakli, in Turkey, where we believe a pocket of humanity survived the cataclysms that followed the end of Earth’s last ice age. Their endurance allowed civilization to re-emerge approximately 6,000 years later (initially in the same general area: Northern Mesopotamia). And so we thank the survivors of those times: Our Ancestors.

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